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LAW 388/2000 - ART. 118 LEGGE 388/2000 - ART. 118

accredited school Tuscan Region N FI0940, non-profit association registered at the Tuscany Region n° 2435

LAW 388/2000 - ART. 118

Measures in the area of ​​vocational training as well as provisions on the activities carried out in EU funds and the European Social Fund

1. In order to promote, in line with regional planning and with the functions of address assigned to the Ministry in the field of labor and social security, the development of continuing vocational training, with a view to business competitiveness and guarantee employability of workers, may be established for each of the economic sectors of industry, agriculture, the service industry and crafts, in the forms referred to in paragraph 6, national joint interprofessional fund for continuing education in this Article referred to as " funds". The inter-confederation agreements signed by unions of employers and workers more representative at national level may include the establishment of funds for different sectors. The provision relating to managers can be established by agreements signed by unions of employers and managers the most representative. The funds finance training plans, regional or sectoral agreed between the social partners, the extent of 100 per cent of the project in depressed areas covered by Objective 1 of Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 of 21 June 1999 and by 50 percent in other areas. Funds belong, progressively and according to the provisions of this Article, the resources arising from the revenue from the additional contribution provided for in Article 25, fourth paragraph, of the law 21 December 1978 n. 845, as amended, relating to employers who adhere to each fund.

2. The activation of the funds and 'subject to the issue of authorization from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, after verification of compliance with the purposes referred to in paragraph 1 of the statutory management of the operating structures of the AIF and the professionalism managers. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security also exercises supervision over the management of funds.

3. Employers who adhere to provisions making the payment of the additional contribution referred to in paragraph 1 to the INPS, which provides every two months to transfer the fund indicated by the employer.

4. In respect of the contribution paid pursuant to paragraph 3, the provisions referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 25 of Law No. 845 of 1978, as amended.

5. It is understood by employers who do not adhere to the funds required to pay to the INPS the supplementary contribution under the fourth paragraph of Article 25 of Law No. 845 of 1978, as amended, as prescribed before the date of entry into force of this Act.

6. Each fund 'set up on the basis of inter-confederation agreements signed by unions of employers and workers more representative at national level, either: a) as a legal entity of association under Article 36 of the Civil Code; b) as a subject with legal personality pursuant to Article 12 of the Civil Code, granted by a decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Security.

7. The funds, subject to agreement between the parties, can be articulated regionally or territorially.

8. In the event of failure, even in part, the additional contribution referred to in paragraph 1, the employer and 'must pay, in addition to the contribution omitted and sanctions, a further administrative penalty of an amount equal to the contribution omitted . The amounts of the fines are paid to the funds.

9. Decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Security are determined, within one hundred twenty days from the date of entry into force of this Act, procedures, terms and conditions for the competition to finance renovation projects elaborated by the training institutions within the limit maximum of 100 billion lire for the year 2001, within the resources preordained order in Employment Fund provided for in Article 1, paragraph 7 of the Decree-Law of 20 May 1993 n. 148, ratified with amendments by Law 19 July 1993 n. 236.Le availability are allocated on a regional basis with respect to the number of establishments and workers affected by restructuring, with properties for renovation projects aimed at achieving the requirements for accreditation of training under the Agreement enshrined within the Standing Conference for relations between the State, regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano on February 18, 2000, and any amendments thereto.

10. From the year 2001 and 'set to 20 percent the share of total revenue to be allocated to funds from the third of the resources derived from the supplementary contribution referred to in Article 25 of Law 21 December 1978 n. 845. This proportion and 'established at 30 per cent for 2002 and to 50 percent for 2003. The provisions of Law 21 March 1958, n. 259.

11. By decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Security are certain ways' and the criteria for allocation to the financing of the operations referred to in Article 80, paragraph 4, of the Law of 23 December 1998, n. 448, the additional amount of 25 billion lire for the year 2001.

12. The amounts provided for the years 1999 and 2000 Article 66, paragraph 2, of the law 17 May 1999 n. 144, are: a) 75 per cent allocated to the Fund referred to in Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Decree-Law of 20 May 1993 n. 148, ratified with amendments by Law 19 July 1993 n. 236, to finance, as a priority, the training plans, regional or sectoral agreed between the social partners; b) the remaining 25 percent to be set aside for the funds, as a result of their institution, according to allocation criteria determined by the Minister of Labour and Social Security, in consultation with the Minister of the Treasury, and Financial Planning economic, according to the numerical strength of the adherents to the sectors concerned by the individual funds and members from each of them.

13. For the annuity under paragraph 12, the Social Security continues to make the payment provided for in Article 1, paragraph 72, of the Law of 28 December 1995, n. 549, the Revolving Fund for the implementation of Community policies referred to in Article 5 of Law 16 April 1987, n. 183, and the payment provided for in Article 9, paragraph 5, of the aforementioned Decree-Law no. 148 of 1993, converted with amendments by Law no. 236 of 1993, the Fund referred to in that subsection.

14. For carrying out programs or activated, the costs of which fall on EU funds, the public research institutions are allowed to conduct recruitment or to employ temporary staff for the duration of the same. This provision also applies to programs or technical assistance activities in progress at the date of entry into force of this Act.

15. The surpluses resulting from the management of the resources of the European Social Fund, administered in the periods before the EU planning from 1989 to 1993 the Structural Funds from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security through the management off-balance of the Revolving Fund established under Article 25 the Law of 21 December 1978 n. 845, as amended, may be applied to cover costs arising from the subsidiary responsibility of the Member State in accordance with Community legislation.

16. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security, by decree, allocates part of the resources referred to in Article 68, paragraph 4, letter a) of Law 17 May 1999 n. 144, a dividend of up to 200 billion lire for the year 2001 for the activities of the apprenticeship training even if conducted over the age of eighteen years of age, in the manner provided for in Article 16 of the Law June 24, 1997, n. 196.